2/21 Writing Retreat at Thomas Jefferson University

Have a project that you need to move forward? Need some time and support to do that?

We invite you to join area WPAs and the Philadelphia Writing Program Administrators (PWPA) on Friday, February 21, 2020 for a winter writing retreat at Thomas Jefferson University, Scott Memorial Library, 1020 Walnut Street, Room 200a, Philadelphia, 19107.

You may bring any writing project you like: academic, creative, institutional.  The goal is to step away from the everyday to focus in a space where others are writing too. The reward: getting writing done, and lunch with your PWPA pals.  

Because it’s winter and that can mean bad weather, or maybe you just can’t make it to Center City that day, you may also join us virtually—we’ll have a Zoom link set up.

We also do some lite planning for our Spring 2020 PWPA meeting at Arcadia as well.

Please take a moment to complete the following short survey to sign-up for the event by 2/17/2020: https://forms.gle/mbjx9ZU5SgFhHgYv7

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

Liz Kimball ([email protected])
Gabe Cutrufello ([email protected])

Post Image: “Jefferson University Scott Memorial LIbrary” / Beyond My Ken / CC BY-SA 4.0 International

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