We invite you to drop by the monthly PWPA virtual coffee hour on the fourth Monday of every month from 4PM-5PM.
As we head into the uncharted (somewhat charted?) waters of the fall semester, we are hoping to offer a place to decompress and chat with other PWPA members about the challenges and successes we’ll experience. We hope this informal opportunity to get together will offer an avenue of support for you.
The dates of the coffee hour are:
• Monday, August 24
• Monday, September 28
• Monday, October 26
• Monday, November 23
• Monday, December 7 (not the fourth Monday but the last one for the semester)
Reminders will be sent to the listserv. Please contact Gabe Cutrufello at gutrufe@ycp.edu for the Zoom link and/or GCal invite.
We hope you can join us and your colleagues in the PWPA!
Gabe, Liz, and the PWPA EC
Post Image: Coffee near the laptop closeup. Working from home. / Nenad Stojkovic / CC BY 2.0