PWPA is thrilled to announce the recipients of our 2011 WPA Travel Grants. Not surprisingly, we had a healthy competition for these grants. Thanks to the ad-hoc committee who VERY quickly reviewed these applications so that we could distribute the funds before CWPA. Thanks to Jeanne Rose, Seth Frechie, and Paul Wright for reading through these applications. Your service is greatly appreciated.
Our first recipient is Gabe Cutrufello. Gabe is a Temple graduate student and the grad rep to PWPA. His presentation is entitled “The Mentoring Connection: Supporting Graduate Work and Connections between the Writing Center and the Composition Classroom.”
Our second recipient is Rachel Edwards. Rachel is also a Temple graduate student. Her presentation is entitled “High School-College Writing Collaboration: The Teaching Assistant as Bridge.”
The committee who reviewed the applications commended Gabe and Rachel on showing great potential to contribute to the professional conversation at the conference.
CONGRATULATIONS to Gabe and Rachel! We are thrilled to support the research of graduate students and adjuncts through the PWPA Travel Grants. Best wishes to all PWPA members who are heading to CWPA this summer!