PWPA Executive Committee Elections—Call for Nominations

The PWPA Executive Committee has 3 vacancies for at-large positions coming up, and we are looking for nominations for these positions.

As many of you know, the Executive Committee generally meets four times during the year: at the Fall, Winter, and Spring meetings, and again in the Summer. According to PWPA’s governance document, members serve 3-year terms, and may be elected to any one of the offices of the Executive Committee (two Co-chairs, Secretary, Treasurer) once they are elected to the EC. Aside from being a great way to lead, share knowledge, and network with colleagues, being on the Executive Committee is good, fun work.

We would like to receive nominations (self-nominations are welcomed) by Friday, May 10, 2013. Please include with your nomination a brief statement of interest. You may send nominations directly to Rebecca Ingalls, Co-Chair, at

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